“Unexpected Klaus” is an original black and white color pencil portrait on toned tan paper. This portrait represent Robert Sheehan in his iconic role as Klaus Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy.
In this portrayal, Klaus is caught in a moment of surprise. His expression reflecting the twists and turns of his tumultuous journey. As the Hargreeves family faces an epic universe problem and the looming threat of imminent death, Klaus finds himself amidst newfound love, familial tensions, and the ever-present specter of his past.
“Unexpected Klaus” is aiming to capture the essence of Klaus’s evolving character. From his poignant vulnerability to his resilient spirit. Each stroke of the pencil brings to life the complexities of this beloved character.
Add “Unexpected Klaus” to your collection and delve into the captivating world of The Umbrella Academy. Each viewing offers a deeper understanding of Klaus’s journey. This portrait is inviting you to join him on his quest for love, redemption, and self-discovery amidst the chaos of the universe
This portrait of Robert Sheehan is an original drawing made with Faber Castell Polychromos color pencils and white Posca pens for highlights on a Strathmore paper 118g/m2 (80lb).
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Black and white original portrait – 14,8×21,6cm (5.8×8.5 in)
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