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rainbow diamond purple - Lux Wood Art

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rainbow diamond pink - Lux Wood Art

I’m a French artist living in the south of Paris. As far back as I can remember, I’ve been drawn to art, cinema, series, and theater. My earliest inspirations, which intertwined all these passions, were Star Trek and Labyrinth. I couldn’t take my eyes off Mr. Spock and David Bowie; I was fascinated by their strangeness and beauty, yet utterly mesmerizing. So, I became obsessed with drawing them, as well as the enchanting Jennifer Connelly and her fabulous dress and hair…

New products


rainbow diamond purple - Lux Wood Art

My favorite place to shop for amazing art supplies :

rainbow diamond purple - Lux Wood Art
Photos taken by my collectors


rainbow diamond purple - Lux Wood Art


For any art inquiries, or if you’d like to request a commission please leave me a note here or email me at : 

rainbow diamond pink - Lux Wood Art